Crying moms

We are strange creatures, we moms. Initial momhood is approached with the greatest care. Then we cry. All the latest and greatest paraphernalia is gathered. Closets are crammed with more outfits than a child could possibly wear fearing dislocated arms and legs from the constant redressing of the babe. A "paci" that falls on the floor is boiled until the rubber melts into a disgusting blob. We watch them slumber. We cry. Every label is studied to make sure optimal nutrition is achieved and visits to the pediatrician planned out in orchestrated organizational brilliance. And then they go to school. We cry some more. Spelling lists. Projects. Cupcakes at two o'clock in the morning for the next day's party. Playground bumps and bruises. Hurt feelings. He said, she said. Clandestine notes written in algebra. The repercussion of said note being found by the teacher. Soccer practice. Late games. Uniforms to clean and desperate searches for the one shoe that always goe...