Your Wild and Precious Life: A guest blog by Author Leslie Fields

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?" ---- Mary Oliver I ditched my island a few days ago---for a smaller one, the 42-foot fishing vessel “Dreamer.” I spent the day and nearly the night with a friend, Dave, and his crew. I went with camera and raingear, to watch how others live and catch fish. To get wet and work on the deck beside them. I went, in short, to see how they lived---the first of many trips ahead on other boats and places and islands, to see about this life on the ocean, how others live it, survive it. I am beginning (finally!) a sequel to my memoir, Surviving the Island of Grace , and already, such grace comes. A new book grants permission for such things. My job was to stack corks as they were winched on deck. A quarter mile length of corks, piling so high I soon could hardly reach them and had to stand on the rim of the stern to keep going. At the end of each set, more than...