Summertime Scribbles

It was a duet of years ago when my 5th book hit the market. When the first wave of books hit the doorstep, I had that same giddy feeling that the arrival of other titles produced deep in my soul. Now, nearing summer's end, one new case of new books arrived in early July, a precursor to a final box that will reveal the product of my recent writing efforts. It's not uncommon to entertain questions about why I write. I never offer the answer that it is because the royalties substantially increase the status of my retirements funds--because that would be an untruth. Besides, I give away a lot of books. Do I tell the inquisitor that I write because it ups my name recognition and popularity? Hardly. That's not true either. So why? Why do I put in so much effort to put electronic pen to paper, agonizing over each word, losing sleep over how the reader will interpret my words, and fixating on where and when to place commas around the words and and but? I guess an honest answer woul...