
Showing posts from December, 2009

Cudos to Seth

Just a little bragging about son Seth (18).  He is currently attending Boston University's Center for Digital Imaging and Arts in Waltham, MA, enrolled in the professional school of photography.  He called yesterday to tell me that one of his portraits was selected as one of the "Daily Dozen" on December 22, 2009 for National Geographic Magazine. Feel free to visit the site and give his photo high credits!  Here is the link:

Christmas Greetings

Hi Everyone and Merry Christmas, I intended to get this letter out as soon as Seth, our resident photographer, got home from school. But the big snowstorm of 2009 put a dent in those plans, leaving him still waiting for three whole days to catch his flight. Hence, a letter filled with pictures found in the dark recesses of my computer files. Gary is still the facilities manager at New Covenant Schools, responsible for the entire property inside and out. And yes, he has to make the grass grow on the soccer and lacrosse fields. He does a great job! Gary has some flexibility time-wise and has been able to hunt a lot more this year. Our freezer is getting full of venison for the coming year. A couple more deer should do it. I am teaching on-line high school for Liberty University in addition to creating on-line education for perfusionists. Along with two friends, we set a womanā€™s record on the South Beyond 6000 in North Caroline, summiting forty peaks over 6000ā€™ after connecting th...

The stalking lion

Ever feel like the runner in the picture? You are just doing what comes naturally. The world is good. No worries. Just a brief moment of rest and relief. If she only knew what was about to happen. . . Do we know what is going to happen tomorrow or the next day, next week or next year? Of course not. And it's probably a good thing. God may have ordained circumstances that would terrify us. But we dare not live in fear. God never gives us anything that He has not given us the power to overcome. Whether it be strained relationships, financial difficulties, tasks that occupy our every waking hour, children, parents, or injury and illness, God give us what we need when we need it. Worrying about those things is of little benefit for it is counterproductive. Embracing the difficulty, however, by trusting in the tight embrace of the Father on your life will see you through. When Paul was writing to the Corinthians he must have been feeling the same thing. In fact, he said that ...

Hellacious Hellgate

I heard the sound switch from the scuffle of gravel to the crunch of leaves. My confused mind sent a signal to open my eyes. Good thing. My mindless weaving had nearly cost me a trip down the steep embankment. But in some curious way, it wouldnā€™t have mattered. Once I landed I could have dozed. Sweet contentment even if it was near single digit temperatures. Sleep running is not a new phenomenon to me. In fact, I find myself in that mode quite often. Eat. Drink. Talk out loud. Sing. Falalalala. Take a caffeine tab. I do all the right things but sometimes it is miles before I wake up. When I do, all is well. But when my mind is hazy and my body fighting forward motion, it is, well. . . hell. This was my seventh Hellgate 100K. I miserably failed one year but was attempting to complete my sixth wicked race. After a year of heavy-duty volunteering at the other five Beast series races, I could not resist the call of this course. There really is no explaining it. It is cold, dark, wet, s...
I have been privileged to speak to several groups in the last couple of weeks. The purpose was to encourage and motivate these athletes, my topic being "Ordinary to Extraordinary: The Road Best Traveled." On Saturday, I was invited to speak to Liberty University's Woman's basketball team, Big South Champions ten years and running. I spoke to them for about thirty-five minutes, had lunch with them and then took my seat with them on the bench as "honorary coach" (their term-not mine!) during the game. It was great!  But I wish I had a picture. . .I would be the very short one in the middle! I encourage you to share your love of athletics and look for ways to impact young athletes. There is a good chance you will be encouraged more than them!

Keep on keeping on

The night surrounded me, the black inkiness nearly palpable. I was chilled to the bone, trying desperately to preserve my body heat as I lay curled up in my hammock. Waves of nausea swept over me. The cacophony of jungle sounds only heightened my dread. I felt terribly alone and scared. I had come to triumphantly race through the Brazilian rain forest but now. . .was it all for naught? Would my body succumb to the stress though my mind was willing to go on? I was in the middle of a 250-kilometer race in the Amazon jungle. International competitors had gathered to challenge the course and each other. I was racing well in this seven-day, self-sufficient race, leading all the women and the other Americans. First, that is, until severe dehydration took its toll. The jungle takes prisoners; the oppressive heat, onerous humidity, swamps, and treacherous terrain its guards. How was I going to continue in the fight against time, the miles, and my own body? I needed a miracle. And a mirac...