Lean on me

"Lean on me," said the little tree to the big tree. Sorry if I just made a song start playing on repeat in your brain. That said, it's a cool song made popular by Bill Withers in 1972. "Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on For it won;t be long Till I'm gonna need somebody to carry on..." We all love this notion of leaning on each other; on creating a community where it's all for one and one for all. But do we? Sure, it takes humility to be the one who leans. The one who is feeling weak and incapable. The one who is fearful of hitting the ground with a resounding thud. The one who needs help. But I think it may take just as much humility and a sense of courage to be the lean-to. For some reason, we think we will not be strong enough to support another's heavy burden. We won't know what to say and when to say it. We doubt our ability to empathize and understand. Plus, it takes t...