Why is this so hard?

“Hard?” you ask. “What’s so hard?”

Well, let me tell you. A few days ago I was ecstatic with my feelings of burgeoning fitness gains. Then a day or two of entertaining relatives and power shopping shifted my training from the roads and trails to the sidewalks of the mall and the comfy cushions in my family room. But, okay, it was a holiday. I’m allowed time off for good behavior. Right?

The holiday eventually brought the dawn of my long-run day and an insurmountable desire to sleep in. After all, who said all long runs have to start in the pre-dawn hours—especially when it’s cold and windy! So sleep in I did. Ahhh. What bliss--until I remembered the demonic Hellgate 100K looming a mere two weeks away.

But did I spring to my feet and fly off to the mountains? Nope. I put on a pot of coffee, ate my cinnamon roll, and watched DIY programming waiting for my oldest son to rise. When his feet eventually found the floor, he announced plans to run with a friend and not with good ‘ol mom. Heavy sigh. I had to go soon or risk losing daylight at the end.

The sun was shining and wind whipping as I made my way up the steep and unrelenting trail. Taking in the views I tried to adjust my attitude. I was lonely. Hum. I should have made myself more accountable by finding a running mate. But there I was in the woods. I settled in and got comfortable with the planned miles for the day. I conquered the tough section of trail and popped out on a dirt road that would lead me downhill for a number of miles.

Then it happened. A rock mysteriously jumped out of nowhere and into my path. My foot hit it and my ankle rolled. I saw stars. . . even in the daylight. Yowsa! It took me a minute to catch the breath that had left me so suddenly. What to do now? Keep heading downhill, I guess. Off I went, amending my plans to march back up that road and descend the rocky way I had come. My run was reduced to a measly three hours and the miles cut by a third. A bit disappointing.

Plans, emotions, and motivation wax and wane. I can be more fickle than a pickle despite the best of intentions. But the lesson I must continually teach myself is to press on. Don’t give up. Ride the wave of ups and downs. It’s normal to have good days and bad. It will be okay as long as you keep trying.

Postscript: The ankle doesn’t look too bad. With a little TLC, it should heal quickly.


Rick Gray said…
"More fickle than a pickle"! First time I have ever heard that saying. I like it. Tammy has a good one "Do you need a tissue for your issue". She says I have alot of issues. Hopefully your ankle issue is not too major and it is not going to be too fickle. Hellgate is just around the corner, but we are like the postman, nothing is going to stop us. It is now time to begin our taper, so say you had a great run this weekend and very quickly your mind will believe it too. Rick
Actually...I may have made up the fickle pickle thing but I like the way it sounded!

The ankle will be fine...not much swelling and just a little discoloration. You are right about thinking positively! Hellgate...here we come!

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