The stalking lion

Ever feel like the runner in the picture? You are just doing what comes naturally. The world is good. No worries. Just a brief moment of rest and relief. If she only knew what was about to happen. . .

Do we know what is going to happen tomorrow or the next day, next week or next year? Of course not. And it's probably a good thing. God may have ordained circumstances that would terrify us.

But we dare not live in fear. God never gives us anything that He has not given us the power to overcome. Whether it be strained relationships, financial difficulties, tasks that occupy our every waking hour, children, parents, or injury and illness, God give us what we need when we need it. Worrying about those things is of little benefit for it is counterproductive. Embracing the difficulty, however, by trusting in the tight embrace of the Father on your life will see you through.

When Paul was writing to the Corinthians he must have been feeling the same thing. In fact, he said that "we groan and are burdened" in this life.  But--and this is a big but-- "it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." Knowing this should dramatically effect the way we live. The Apostle says it best:

"We live by faith, not by sight. . .So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." (2 Cor. 5:7-10)

Hum. "So we make it our goal to please him. . ."  That ought to get me to my feet and keep me moving in the right direction.


Anonymous said…
Oh I love it. This has been what Tucker and I have been walking through the last four or five months. One thing that has been interesting for us is to observe how our prayers have changed throughout the whole process. Our prayers initially were comprised of asking for this or that and have transformed into much more thankfulness and praise. Seeing so much growth happen when life feels (at times) like a long list of struggles linked to one another throws love all over you.
Rick Gray said…
When I first read the title "The Stalking Lion" and saw the picture, I initially thought of satan and how he stalks us. (side note here - sign of a good writer who gets you thinking in one direction and ends up some place else, but then you turn it back around again) It is through faith that we are able to get through tough spots in our lives. And as you said, it gets us up (and out of our little pitty party) and moving in the right direction. Rick
Yes... a good lesson for us all! But Rick- the Satan thing is oh so true! Beware!
Rick Gray said…
Always knocking. Just waiting for an opportunity. Us humans have to be aware!
Craig said…
Great in every way! Love the picture!
Casseday said…
So true. It's great to know that when you live for Him, you no longer need to worry about all the "what if's?" in life.

Merry Christmas!

-- Adam

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