Just one more day: Days 86 - 92

Day 86 – March 26, 2012
I ran with my team today plus a little more after the workout. After a warmup, we did 10 x 200 hard with a recovery 200 in between. I like this workout because the pain only lasts for so long.

Total – 4.2 track and road miles

Day 87 – March 27, 2012

After speaking to Dr, Horton’s running class, I took the girls fro a short run. We didn’t have much time due to so many great questions that they asked. Then, I went directly to practice where we ran up to the mountain so we could do hill repeats at out favorite spot. Not a lot of miles but a lot of bang for the buck.

Total – 6 road and trail miles

Day 88 – March 28, 2012

This was a fun day at practice. After two hard practices, the team was ready for a light day. We did a “follow-the-leader” workout. Guess who was the leader? We ran, stopped to do out one-leg balance exercises atop guard rails, ran more, stopped to do 8-counts, ran more, made our way through the indoor skate park, ran more. . .so forth and so on. It was really quite fun and just what we needed.

Total – 3 road miles

Day 89 – March 29, 2012

Trail day! It was great to take the kids out for a jaunt through the woods. Warm and sunny with a nice breeze. Loved it.

Total – 6.5 miles

Day 90 – March 30, 2012

With no practice today, I decided to do the six-mile loop from home. I was so pleased that I felt better and stronger than I have in a long time. My body must be responding to the iron to produce more (and plumper) red blood cells. I actually felt like a runner today. So thankful.

Total – 6 road miles

Day 91 – March 31, 2012

What a day. Track meet until I had to leave early to fulfill a speaking obligation in Roanoke. I finally got home at 7 pm, changed cloths and headed out the door for a quick spin down country roads. Again, I felt like a runner. I could get used to this!

Total – 4 road miles

Day 92 – April 1, 2012

Third day in a row for a certifiably good run. It is so wonderful to run free, fatigued only when appropriate. For a long time, every run has been a struggle; much harder than it should be. But now, now I feel that I can call myself a runner again. Don’t get me wrong; I’m still slow compared to a lot of people. However, I am happy to be running. 

No long runs this week. So busy. I'll have to make up for it this coming week.

Total – 6 road miles

Year-to-date: 550 miles


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