Day 8

January 8, 2012

Ever combine business with pleasure? That's exactly what I did today.

The stacked up pile of recycling and garbage could be ignored no long. Off to the dump I went. But just a mile down the road from the dump is the Bedford Country Falling Creek Park. I knew there was a disc golf course there. I had no idea the elaborate system of ten miles of running and biking trails within it's borders. To me, it was like finding hidden treasure.

I explored for a good long while. The trails were a mix of groomed single track, mowed, wide paths through fields, and rocky and twisty trails through the woods. Apparently, an individual who loves mountain biking maintains them. I will certainly have to return to explore the trails I didn't run.

Miles - About 5.5 trail miles

NOTE: I am writing about my quest for a year-long running streak primarily to keep myself motivated. I kind of doubt anyone really cares if I run one mile or a hundred. Hence, I will simply post my running journal once a week. So, if you have any interest in my progress, check on either Saturday or Sunday to review the week's progress.


Rick Gray said…
What a find and in your own back yard. I will keep up my watch as I am holding you accountable for your continuous running desire this entire year.
Thanks, Rick. I am sure I will need the encouragement. :)
adventurelisa said…
Heya Rebekah,
This is a great challenge for this year ;) For my 35th birthday last year I did '35 days of running' - running at least 4km every day for the 35 days leading up to my birthday. I averaged 6.5km and it was such a great challenge, especially being through the coldest part of winter and some severe cold fronts! I'll be doing it again this year. I also started a thing where I've been doing a '7 days of running' from the 1st to the 7th of each month. That's a fun one too. Keep goin' girl, even through those hard days when you just don't want to get out there. I'm cheering for you and from 14 May I'll be running consecutively up to 18 June ;)

Lisa- So great to hear from you! The winter months are the hardest. Yesterday was 36 degrees and rain. Oh well.

I'll get lots of miles in July. Am planning on doing 560 miles of the AT in 14 days. Should be interesting.

Hope to see you again sometime, somewhere. My very best to you in your adventuring and writing!

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