Just one more day: Days 30-36

Day 30 – January 30, 2012

It was a busy day in the office but it was a beautiful day outside. I gladly abandoned the keyboard for some country roads. It was a good run with the last two miles tackled with hard effort. It was good to get the run in since I had to play the role of “keeper of the stopwatch” at practice.

Total – 6 road miles

Day 31 – January 31, 2012

Another day in the high 60’s, sun shining, birds singing. It was perfect—except that I felt like a bloated toad and torqued my leg again in the first five minutes. This long-term injury is killing me! Anyway, given that, I was glad my kids ran off on various trails. I walked, limped, and gimped along for about five miles. The redeeming value was finding a newly cut trail.

Total – 5 trail miles

Day 32 – February 1, 2012

I just can’t get over these spring-like conditions. The woods were calling and the prospect of a running a recently cut trail could not be ignored. Besides, I was having the kids do a speedy track workout today that would do my leg no good. So off I went to explore, having to pick up the pace (no easy task) in order to make it back to practice on time. The trail is beautiful and will be our team destination tomorrow.

Total – 7.5 trails and road

Day 33 – February 2, 2012

The kids loved the new trail, “Burnt Biscuit” just as much as I thought they would. “Apple Flappel” was a hit as well. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful, playful group of kids who love the woods as much as me.

Total – 5.1 trail miles

Day 34 – February 3, 2012

This was a busy day with travel to a weekend track meet. My only opportunity to run was as soon as we arrived at the track and had a lull before the competition began. It wasn’t much but at least it was something.

Total – 3.5 road miles

Day 35 – February 4, 2012

It seems odd that traveling with a track team would make it difficult to run. But, long hours at the meet meant that I needed to get in an early morning run if it was going to happen at all. Running the concrete sidewalks of a city is a great reminder of how much I love my country roads and trails.

Total – 4.5 road miles

Day 36 – February 5, 2012

I exhausted. Not so much from miles run because mileage was moderate at best this week. I’m exhausted because travel with teenagers, late nights, and long bus rides take their tool. But to keep my little streak alive, I had to venture out into a cold drizzle for a few miles on country roads. The dream lives on.

Total – 4 road miles
(Year-to date miles: 195.1)


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