Just another day: Days 121 -127

Day 121 – April 30, 2012

For a day that was forecasted to have a 20% chance of rain, it was wet, foggy, and drizzling all day long. At least the temps were in the 60s. A jumbled schedule at school meant that only a few of the distance kids showed up. However, with an easy day on the docket, we enjoyed a short road run.

Total – 4 road miles

Day 122 – May 1, 2012

Whew. After a cold and rainy spell, I’m not sure I was prepared for 80 and humid. I even had to strip my short sleeves off and run bare belly despite the old abs not being extraordinarily attractive. Oh, well. At least the 62 degree pool water cooled me off in a hurry.

Total – 6 road miles

Day 123 – May 2, 2012

Off to the woods with the team! We had a blast, taking a newly created trail that has eight stream crossings and ends up at a wonderful swimming hole at the bottom of a water fall. Needless to say, on a 90 degree day, every single one of us got a purposeful, complete soaking. It was so much fun!

Total – 5 trail miles (and lots of goofy around)

Day 124 – May 3, 2012

With a meet tomorrow, the practice schedule I made up in these weeks leading to States, a light practice was scheduled. And light it was. 3 mile around campus with a stop midway to get a free ice cream cone! Creeks and waterfalls yesterday. Ie cream today. Who said running with the distance team wasn’t fun?

But, I did feel a little guilty. When I got home, I got in another run right before another storm hit.

Total – 7 road miles

Day 125 – May 4, 2012

Just another lap around my country block. Not very exciting.

Total – 6 road miles

Day 126 – May 5, 2012

With cloudy skies and on and off rain, I sure enjoyed a run on the AT. The rhododendrons were in full bloom and beautiful! Even though it was an out back run (from Bobblet’s Gap to Salt Pond Forest road), I didn’t mind. A great section of trail!

Total – 21.6 miles

Day 127 – May 6, 2012

Things to do. People to see. Places to go. Finally cleared the way to a couple miles late in the evening.

Total – 2 road miles.

Year – to – date: 822 miles


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