Just another day: Days 128-134

Day 128 – May 7, 2012

With a workout on the track that required my attention, I squeezed in a run before practice, manning the stopwatch as the kids whirled around the track.

Total – 6.5 road miles

Day 129 – May 8, 2012

This was our last trail run of the outdoor track season. With a little adventure on the side, we did a tour of two off-the-beaten-path cemeteries. What a great bunch of kids who love to explore!

Total – 5.6 trail miles

Day 130 – May 9, 2012

This was a mixed up day that resulted in less than intended miles. I’ve been working at a school all week, met one of my athletes for a special practice after that, had a track meet canceled, got rained on, then ended up at home to get dinner on the table. Hence, low miles.

Total – 3.5 track and road miles

Day 131 – May 10, 2012

After working a full day, I was glad to hit some easy, flat trails before heading over to a track meet. Felt good to run.

Total – 5 trail miles

Day 132 – May 11, 2012

Gary and I shared a ride to and from work today—at least part way from work. He dropped me on a country road and I ran the rest of the way. With the sun shining and a light breeze, the tour of back country roads was a great way to end the work week.

Total – 7.2 road miles

Day 133 – May 12, 2012

With our team having to host the conference track meet at a school other than our own, a huge chunk of the day was used to set up, run, and clean up afterwards. I managed to get in some miles on trails in the Blackwater Creek area in Lynchburg. It was nice to find some off the grid trails that I had no idea were there. Apparently, not many other people know about them either. They are true single track and not well-traveled.

Total – 8.5 trail miles

Day 134 – May 13, 2012

I am a little disappointed not to get in a long run this week. At about 45 miles, it was one of lowest in the last couple of weeks. The problem this week was that I actually had to go to a job everyday this week in addition to my regular jobs (teaching online, writing, and coaching) Free time was non-existant. I am hoping this week will be better.

Total – 8.5 road miles

Year-to-date: 867 miles


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